It is finally Friday here in a random February week in 2016. My third cup of coffee is brewing and annoyingly on the tv "Oscar Mania" has taken over regularly scheduled programming. You are somewhere in 1989, I imagine in the band room reading your newest installment in the letters that have made it through the funnel of time and into your hands.
It struck me the other day that these letters would have been so much easier if you take notes along the road of you becoming me so that I know what fears, questions and memories would be the important things to tell you about. At the time you are in though I know you won't realize the cyclical nature of time.

Your dreams are so big yet lack any definition. You want to do such big things and change the world but don't have any idea how you are going to do them. This is going to frustrate you along the path you walk in the journey of leaving who you are behind and becoming me.
"I have not failed. I've just found 10000 ways that won't work." - Thomas A. Edison
I'm here to give you one big pointer today about that frustration. DON'T let it stop you from achieving the things you want to realize in your world. Some people along your way will believe in you. Some people will laugh. Some people will walk away. Don't let outside noise distract you dear younger me, don't allow the doubt others have to cause doubt to come into your heart and mind.
If Mr. Edison had listened to the nay-sayers around him do you think we would be sitting in the light today?
As I sit here today I am trying to reach for a dream that I've carried with me long before I was you. Supporters have come into my life from areas I never expected. If I never tried to actively go for my goal, I never would have realized how many people actually believed in me. Until you try, you will never know how wonderful and surprising that feels. Doubters will come but it is easier to shake them off (as a pop artists popular right know is known to say) knowing you have those who will help hold you up when you need them until the time when you can hold yourself up.
Don't be afraid to try, don't be lazy and don't surround yourself with what-ifs. It's you that has the dream so it is you that has to go out there and make it happen. Giving up is not an option.

I love that! ofcourse I'm a big fan:) thanks for playing along with the challenge