Saturday, March 5, 2016

6 More Countries

Personal goal is about to be reached! Only need 6 more countries! I maintain the list at my main domain page Challenges. Here is my newest list:

My Personal Challenges

Along the way in my several decades of life, I set myself goals and challenges. Something measurable to keep me moving forward and keep me on my toes. (truly it's probably just an excuse to have the small celebrations I allow myself every time I achieve them). One challenge celebration for example was when my blog hit 2500 views I promised myself I would activate my domain. It took me 1 day short of a month to reach that goal and here you are! On my dedicated website!  

Another challenge I have set for myself is to be viewed in 50 countries. I've been doing my best to keep track of them all. Thank you for helping me to achieve this goal!

Current Country Views

1,  Australia
26. Philippines
2.  Brazil27. Poland
3.  Cameroon28. Portugal
4.  Canada29. Romania
5.  Colombia30. Russia
6.  Costa Rica31. Saint Maarten
7.  Croatia32. Serbia
8.  Egypt33. Sierra Leone
9.  Finland34. Singapore
10. Germany35. Slovenia
11. India36. South Africa
12. Indonesia37. Sri Lanka
13. Iraq38. St. Vincent & Grenadines
14. IRELAND39. Sweden
15. Italy40. Syria
16. Jamaica41. Taiwan
17. Kenya42. Ukraine
18. Malaysia43. United Kingdom
19. Mexico44. United States
20. Morocco45.
21. Netherlands46.
22. Netherlands Antilles47.
23. Nigeria48.
24. Norway49.
25. Pakistan50.

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